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Every casino game has its outcomes and probabilities; some casino professionals often refer to it as the "documentation" of the game. In most developed countries casinos are forced by law to meet certain payout rates of their collected bets to the gamblers, which can navigate from 75% to 95% -in games such as slots and video poker.


This ensures that the casino or online casino is not taking all the gamblers' money without providing them with a real chance to win. We all know that "the house always wins,” casinos are indeed a business and must profit from their operations -but with these laws- that rate of winnings is audited, ensuring a certain return of the gamblers' investments. These government rules protect the players from any unfair advantage the casino administration might have when being trusted to treat odds properly -that is, not modifying the original machine's software to their benefit.


When you play roulette online, you're in a different spot.


You're not just pressing a button. The roulette77 game is one in which you're in absolute control of the odds. There's absolutely no room for software programming such as in the slots -although certain forms of cheating are available for casinos- and all you must do is always keep an eye on the ball.

Here’s when the strategy takes place, and smart people start counting their chances to win when they play roulette online and bet accordingly. For example, many people think that there's a 50% chance to win when betting on red or black in the roulette game, but that is far from the truth. Let's find out why.

Firstly, remember that the most popular roulette wheels come in three different settings. The European Roulette wheel, which has all 36 numbers and a green zero; the French Roulette, with the exact same possible outcomes as the European Roulette game, but adding two extra rules that benefit the players; and the American Roulette, which has all 36 number plus a double zero and a zero, making it the less convenient for gamblers in terms of outside bets.

Roulette77 Let's say you made a bet for $10 on red -and the outcome is black- here's what happens:

  • American Roulette: You lose $10, your odds of winning were 47.4% -since there are two green spots.
  • European Roulette: You lose $10, your odds of winning were 48.6% -since there is only one green spot.
  • French Roulette: You lose $10, your odds of winning were 48.6%, and you get back half your bet when the ball falls on the green spot. That means French Roulette offers you the best chances to win within all these three roulette options. Go ahead and prove yourself!

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